Thorpe Willoughby Scarecrow Festival

Sunday 13th October 2024 (11:00am-4:00pm)

‘If you would like to be involved in this event, The organisers are looking for people in the village who want to create a scarecrow or local people who want to hold a stall on the day. The theme for the scarecrows is ‘Olympics and Sports’

The entry cost to make a scarecrow is £6.00 (They need a minimum of 20 scarecrows for the event to go ahead). Due to planning, the closing date for entries and bookings is Tuesday 1st October 2024. Please contact the organisers via their email or call 01757 291186 to book a scarecrow or stall. If you would like to book a stall for the day, the fee for this is £10.00 (please provide your own table if possible).

If you want to take part, come down to Thorpe Willoughby Childcare Centre from 11:00am-4:00pm, purchase a map for £1.00 and follow the trail round the village. While at the centre, take a look at what’s going on as there will be lots of stalls, refreshments, tombola, an amazing raffle, cake stall and lots more!

Thorpe Willoughby Childcare Centre is a charity run organisation who are raising vital funds from the event to support with vital repairs and maintenance of the building. Please get involved and join them for this great village event.’

Partly Cloudy
7:05 am5:29 pm GMT

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