Selby Radio FAQs

What is Selby Radio?

Radio Selby is an Online Radio Station providing Selby and its surrounding areas its own Dedicated Radio Station.

Is Selby Radio Live 24 Hours?

Yes! You can listen to Selby Radio all day every day. 24/7

How can you Listen to Selby Radio?

You can currently listen to Selby Radio via our website or using an Amazon Alexa compatible device

So you can listen to us on your Amazon Echo Dot, Amazon Echo Plus, Amazon Echo Show, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Amazon Fire etc

Is Selby Radio available on Amazon Alexa?

Yes you can listen to Selby Radio via your Amazon Alexa device. 

Is Selby Radio available on Google Assistant?

Selby Radio will be available on Google Assistant devices. We will announce the news as soon as it launches.

Is Selby Radio available on FM Radio?

Unfortunately Selby Radio is not currently available on FM Radio. However we hope to bring you news that we will be in the future.

Is Selby Radio available on DAB Radio?

Unfortunately Selby Radio is not currently available on DAB Radio. However we hope to bring you news that we will be in the future.

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